IBM SPSS Statistics 24

IBM SPSS Statistics 24

Size 794.4 MB


Name: IBM SPSS Statistics
Version: 24
Language: Multilingual
OS Version: OS X 10.8 or later
Includes: Patch
More info:

IBM SPSS Statistics is a comprehensive set of data and tools for
easy predictive analytics use for business users, analysts and s
tatistical programmers. IBM SPSS Advanced Statistics creates mor
e accurate analysis and more reliable conclusions when working w
ith complex relationships.
IBM SPSS provides effective techniques to real problems in a var
iety of disciplines, including medical research, manufacturing,
pharmaceuticals and market research. It offers advanced techniqu
es of univariate and multivariate very effective and sophisticat
ed, among which include: Procedures general linear models (GLM)
and mixed models Generalized Linear Models (GENLIN), which include widely used statistical models such as linear regression for
responses distributed normally, logistic models for binary data
and log - linear models for count data. GENLIN also offers vario
us statistical models useful through its own general model formu
lation. the procedures of generalized estimating equations (GEE)
extend models linear generalized to accommodate correlated longi
tudinal data and clustered data generalized linear mixed models
(GLMM) for use with hierarchical data

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